Bluegrass Music List Server Information

Welcome to the Bluegrass Music Information List Server.
Hosted by "Yahoogroups"
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What it is:
"" is a free list available to people seeking information on Bluegrass music.  Upon going to the server of this list, you will be required to register as a Yahoo Groups user.  You will also be given some choices in delivery....

How it works:
If you subscribe in the Email message mode and you or someone else posts a message to the list, it is immediately sent to the others on the list within a few moments.  If others are on their computer, an immediate response is likely.  If you are subscribed in Digest Mode, you won't see the post until several others have been made and a bulk mailing occurs.  If you are subscribed in Web Only mode, the server is updated immediately and hitting reload or refresh will allow you to stay on top of things.

Daily Digest Mode type subscription will send you one large email once a day.

Again, there is also the choice to subscribe to the list and receive no email messages.  In this mode you simply go the the Yahoogroups website and select the list and read the messages on the website.  This mode is called Web Only....

Who the list is for:
The main purpose is to inform list members of important or new bluegrass events, but discussion of bluegrass music information, and instruments For Sale/Trade is allowed.

For Sale items are allowed, just keep the items bluegrass instrument related.
Please post For Sale items only once a week.

Unsubscribing from the list:
You can go directly to the Yahoo Groups website to unsubscribe.  If you have trouble subscribing or unsubscribing, click the link below.

If you have questions about this list, please post them directly Kevin Custer.

This list is owned by pickin@bluegrass.